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Trading Card Central - Price Guides

We all want to know the value of the trading cards we have. So, what is the best way to find out? The best methods are through online price guides, monthly magazines or annual books.

Many collectors use a combination of all methods to help determine the value of their collection. For example, online price guides often provide a free or inexpensive method for checking the value of key cards. Monthly magazines offer the added convenience of being able to check prices when you're away from the computer (at a card shop or show). Finally, annual books often provide the most complete listing of cards and prices, especially for oddball cards and sets.

Price Check Requests
Recent requests for price checks in the Collector Zone include the following:

X-files season 3 uncut etched
New Baseball Becket I Got
Got New Hockey Beckett
Got New Baseball Beckett
New Baseball Beckett Hockey
Have New Hockey Beckett
06 Contenders Draft Pics auto
Price check please Linda McMahon B&W 8x10
Can i get a Ovechkin RC Price Check
2018 Topps Series 2 question
New February Hockey Beckett!
Got New Hockey Beckett
would like a check if someone would be so kind....
16-17 OPC/Parkys Price Check
2016/17 Upper Deck Hockey Price Check
Online Price Guides

One of the best ways to get the value of a specific card or set is through online price guides.

There are several available, but you may want to start with one that is free. An updated price guide for sports cards exists at This site is the online home of TUFF STUFF magazine - the hobby's all-sport price guide covering baseball, football, basketball, hockey, racing and more.

The price guide is free, but you need to register to use it. Click here to set up your own account now and get on your way to finding out the value of your cards.

In addition to the free online price guide, you may want to purchase one or more of the Online Price Guides available at by clicking here.

Another great online method for determining the value of your cards is to look at completed auction data from the various auction sites listed in our Auctions section.

Maximizing the Value of Cards

Note: In order to determine the value of any trading card, it is very important to first determine the quality of the card or the grade. Please see our Grading section for more information. Also, any card only maintains its value if it is kept in good condition. So, check out our Supplies section today to order protective storage pages, boxes or holders on-line and have them delivered right to your door.

Monthly Magazines

Check out the available guides and terms in the Trading Card Central - Beckett Monthly Price Guide Store now.

Featured Guide: Tuff Stuff Tuff Stuff

Tuff Stuff Magazine is the hobby's all-sport price guide covering baseball, football, basketball, hockey, racing and more. Player profiles, articles on collecting and the latest news on what's hot and what's not.

Annual Books

Check out the available guides in the Trading Card Central - Annual Price Guide Store now.

Featured Annuals

BCW Supplies

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